; program: parabolic star - marcello of retro64 blog * = $801 byteaddr = $fc ;fc, fd used basic byte 11,8,10,0,158,50,48,54,49,0,0,0 ;basic program for autostart bmpscreen = 24576 ;bmpscreen start dummy = $0 lda #>bmpscreen ;initialize self-mod code sta mod1+2 lda #(260+10) bne loop_drawing_2 lda #60 sta xw+1 lda #0 sta xw loop_drawing_3 lda xw+1 sta x1+1 lda xw sta x1 clc lda xw+1 adc #50 sta y2 cmp #200 bne continue_dr3 sec lda y2 sbc #1 sta y2 ;fix to avoid y2 = 200 (maximum value is 199 for y) continue_dr3 jsr line_subroutine ;jmp end_drawing clc lda xw+1 adc #10 sta xw+1 lda xw adc #00 sta xw lda xw+1 cmp #150+10 bne loop_drawing_3 ;jmp end_drawing lda #170 sta xw+1 lda #00 sta xw loop_drawing_4 lda xw+1 sta x1+1 lda xw sta x1 sec lda #<370 sbc xw+1 sta y2 cmp #200 bne continue_dr4 sec lda y2 sbc #1 sta y2 ;fix to avoid y2 = 200 (maximum value is 199 for y) continue_dr4 jsr line_subroutine clc lda xw+1 adc #10 sta xw+1 lda xw adc #00 sta xw lda xw+1 cmp #<(260+10) bne loop_drawing_4 lda xw cmp #>(260+10) bne loop_drawing_4 lda #60 sta x1+1 lda #0 sta x1 lda #100 sta y1 lda #<260 sta x2+1 lda #>260 sta x2 lda #100 sta y2 jsr line_subroutine lda #160 sta x1+1 lda #0 sta x1 lda #0 sta y1 lda #160 sta x2+1 lda #0 sta x2 lda #199 sta y2 jsr line_subroutine end_drawing lda #15 sta $d020 spacechk lda $dc01 cmp #$ef bne spacechk lda #$9b sta $d011 lda #4 sta 648 lda #21 sta $d018 lda #151 sta $dd00 ;default vic-ii bank lda #147 jsr $ffd2 lda #15 sta $286 lda #00 sta 198 rts line_subroutine ; computes deltax, deltay, decides what routine to be used lda x1 cmp x2 bcc compute_delta_x2_x1 bne compute_delta_x1_x2 lda x1+1 cmp x2+1 bcc compute_delta_x2_x1 ;compares x1 and x2 compute_delta_x1_x2 sec lda x1+1 sbc x2+1 sta delta_x+1 lda x1 sbc x2 sta delta_x ;delta_x = x1-x2 lda #$01 sta x_n ;delta_x negative jmp skip_compute_delta_x2_x1 compute_delta_x2_x1 sec lda x2+1 sbc x1+1 sta delta_x+1 lda x2 sbc x1 sta delta_x ;delta_x = x2-x1 lda #$00 sta x_n ;delta_x positive skip_compute_delta_x2_x1 lda y1 cmp y2 bcc compute_delta_y2_y1 ;compares y1 and y2 sec lda y1 sbc y2 sta delta_y ;delta_y = y1 - y2 lda #$01 sta y_n ;delta_y negative jmp skip_compute_delta_y2_y1 compute_delta_y2_y1 sec lda y2 sbc y1 sta delta_y ;delta_y = y2 - y1 lda #$00 sta y_n ;delta_y positive skip_compute_delta_y2_y1 lda delta_x bne jump_110 ;if high byte delta_x <> 0 then delta_x > delta_y lda delta_x+1 cmp delta_y bcc jump_170 ;if delta_x+1 < delta_y use routine 170 jump_110 jsr line_110 ;else use routine 110 jmp skip_jump_170 jump_170 jsr line_170 skip_jump_170 rts ;subroutine: line_110 (deltax > deltay) line_110 lda #$00 sta to_mult ;delta_y_highest = 0 lda #$00 sta to_mult+1 ;delta_y_high = 0 lda delta_y sta to_mult+2 jsr off_multiply ;delta_y * offset = to_mult (24 bit) lda #$00 sta a ;higher byte of a unused lda to_mult sta a+1 lda to_mult+1 sta a+2 lda to_mult+2 sta a+3 ;lower bytes used (delta_y * offset = to_mult is 24 bit) ;a is dividend lda delta_x sta b lda delta_x+1 sta b+1 ;delta x on b (b is divisor) jsr divide_ab ;computes to_mult/b lda rs+1 sta m lda rs+2 sta m+1 lda rs+3 sta m+2 ;m = to_mult/b (24 bit) ;rs: higher bytes of quotient: unused ;rs+1, rs+2 and rs+3: lower bytes of quotient: used lda y_n eor x_n sta m_s ;determines sign of m lda m_s lda x2 cmp x1 bcc x_increment_sign_negative bne x_increment_sign_positive lda x2+1 cmp x1+1 bcc x_increment_sign_negative bne x_increment_sign_positive x_increment_sign_negative lda #$01 sta x_increment_sign jmp skip_x_increment_sign_positive x_increment_sign_positive lda #$00 sta x_increment_sign ;determines sign of increment of x during line plotting skip_x_increment_sign_positive lda x1 sta multiplier lda x1+1 sta multiplier+1 lda m sta multiplicand lda m+1 sta multiplicand+1 lda m+2 sta multiplicand+2 ;prepares to perform 32 bit multiply ;operation: x1 * m = TT jsr multiply_ab ;performs multiplication lda multiplier+1 sta mc lda sum sta mc+1 lda sum+1 sta mc+2 ;MC = x1 * M, used later jsr divide_off ;divides result of multiplication by offset lda multiplier+1 sta tt lda sum sta tt+1 lda sum+1 sta tt+2 ;TT (24 bit) = (x1*M)/offset ;16 bit are not enough! ;now ready to draw the line lda x1 sta x_domain lda x1+1 sta x_domain+1 ;starting point for line plotting lda x_increment_sign bne x2_minus_1 clc lda x2+1 adc #01 sta x_limit+1 lda x2 adc #$00 sta x_limit ;x_limit = x2+1 or x2-1 so that last point is plotted jmp skip_x2_minus_1 x2_minus_1 sec lda x2+1 sbc #$01 sta x_limit+1 lda x2 sbc #$00 sta x_limit skip_x2_minus_1 ; tests if tn = tt+y1 can be calculated outside loop lda m_s beq draw_loop clc ;calculates tn lda tt+2 adc y1 sta tn+2 lda tt+1 adc #$00 ;higher bytes of y seen as a 24 bit number are 0 sta tn+1 lda tt adc #$00 sta tn ;tn = tt + y1 draw_loop lda mc+1 sta mx+2 lda mc sta mx+1 lda #$00 sta mx ;MX = MC/offset ;take MC, divide it by 256 and store result in MX ;MC is unchanged lda m_s beq m_s_zero_formula ;y calculation if m is negative sec lda tn+2 sbc mx+2 sta y_calc+2 lda tn+1 sbc mx+1 sta y_calc+1 lda tn sbc mx sta y_calc ;y_calc = y_calc -mx ;(y_calc = tt + y1 - mx) ==> y_calc = tn - mx jmp skip_ms_zero_formula m_s_zero_formula clc ;y calculation if m is positive lda mx+2 ;lower byte of mx+2 adc y1 ;add to y1 sta y_calc+2 lda mx+1 adc #$00 ;medium byte of y seen as a 24 bit number sta y_calc+1 lda mx ;higher byte of y seen as a 24 bit number adc #$00 sta y_calc ;y_calc = mx + y1 sec lda y_calc+2 sbc tt+2 sta y_calc+2 lda y_calc+1 sbc tt+1 sta y_calc+1 lda y_calc sbc tt sta y_calc ;y_calc = y_calc - tt ;(y_calc = mx + y1 - tt) skip_ms_zero_formula lda x_domain sta xp lda x_domain+1 sta xp+1 lda y_calc+2 sta yp ;prepares values for point plotting jsr plot ;plots the point lda x_increment_sign beq increment_mc sec lda mc+2 sbc m+2 sta mc+2 lda mc+1 sbc m+1 sta mc+1 lda mc sbc m sta mc ;MC = MC - M dec x_domain+1 ;x_domain = x_domain -1 (16 bit) lda x_domain+1 cmp #$ff bne skip_increment_mc dec x_domain jmp skip_increment_mc increment_mc clc lda mc+2 adc m+2 sta mc+2 lda mc+1 adc m+1 sta mc+1 lda mc adc m sta mc ;MC = MC + M inc x_domain+1 ;x_domain = x_domain + 1 (16 bit) lda x_domain+1 bne skip_increment_mc inc x_domain skip_increment_mc lda x_domain cmp x_limit bne draw_loop_jump lda x_domain+1 cmp x_limit+1 bne draw_loop_jump rts draw_loop_jump jmp draw_loop ;subroutine: line_170 (deltax < deltay) line_170 lda #$00 sta to_mult ;highest byte of delta_x is 0 lda delta_x sta to_mult+1 ;delta_x_high lda delta_x+1 sta to_mult+2 jsr off_multiply ;delta_x * offset = to_mult (24 bit) lda #$00 sta a ;higher bytes of a unused lda to_mult sta a+1 lda to_mult+1 sta a+2 lda to_mult+2 sta a+3 ;lower bytes used (delta_y * offset = to_mult is 16 bit) ;a is dividend lda #$00 ;high byte of delta_x is 0 sta b lda delta_y sta b+1 ;delta y on b (b is divisor) jsr divide_ab ;computes to_mult/b lda rs+1 sta m lda rs+2 sta m+1 lda rs+3 sta m+2 ;m = to_mult/b (24 bit) ;rs: higher byte of quotient: unused ;rs+1, rs+2 and rs+3: lower bytes of quotient: used lda y_n eor x_n sta m_s ;determines sign of m lda m_s lda y2 cmp y1 bcc y_increment_sign_negative bne y_increment_sign_positive y_increment_sign_negative lda #$01 sta y_increment_sign jmp skip_y_increment_sign_positive y_increment_sign_positive lda #$00 sta y_increment_sign ;determines sign of increment of x during line plotting skip_y_increment_sign_positive lda y_increment_sign lda #$00 ;high byte of y1 is 0 sta multiplier lda y1 sta multiplier+1 ;only low bytes of multiplier used lda m sta multiplicand lda m+1 sta multiplicand+1 lda m+2 sta multiplicand+2 ;prepares to perform 32 bit multiply ;operation: y1 * m = TT jsr multiply_ab ;performs multiplication lda multiplier+1 sta mc lda sum sta mc+1 lda sum+1 sta mc+2 ;MC = y1 * M, used later jsr divide_off ;divides result of multiplication by offset lda multiplier+1 sta tt lda sum sta tt+1 lda sum+1 sta tt+2 ;TT (24 bit) = (y1*M)/offset ;16 bit are not enough! ;now ready to draw the line lda y1 sta y_domain ;starting point for line plotting lda y2 sta y_limit lda y_increment_sign bne y2_minus_1 inc y_limit jmp skip_y2_minus_1 y2_minus_1 dec y_limit skip_y2_minus_1 lda m_s beq draw_loop_170 ;checks if tn can be calculated outside loop clc ;calculates tt lda tt+2 adc x1+1 sta tn+2 lda tt+1 adc x1 ;higher bytes of y seen as a 24 bit number are 0 sta tn+1 lda tt adc #$00 sta tn ;tn = tt + x1 draw_loop_170 lda mc+1 sta my+2 lda mc sta my+1 lda #$00 sta my ;MY = MC/offset ;take MC, divide it by 256 and store result in MY ;MC is unchanged lda m_s beq m_s_zero_formula_170 sec ;x calculation if m is negative lda tn+2 sbc my+2 sta x_calc+2 lda tn+1 sbc my+1 sta x_calc+1 lda tn sbc my sta x_calc ;x_calc = x_calc -my ;(x_calc = tt + x1 - my) ==> x_calc = tn - my jmp skip_ms_zero_formula_170 m_s_zero_formula_170 clc ;x calculation if m is positive lda my+2 ;lower byte of my+2 adc x1+1 ;add to x1+1 (lower byte of x1) sta x_calc+2 lda my+1 adc x1 ;high byte of x1 now added sta x_calc+1 lda my ;highest byte of x1 seen as a 24 bit number is 0 adc #$00 sta x_calc ;x_calc = my + x1 sec lda x_calc+2 sbc tt+2 sta x_calc+2 lda x_calc+1 sbc tt+1 sta x_calc+1 lda x_calc sbc tt sta x_calc ;x_calc = x_calc - tt ;(x_calc = my + x1 - tt) skip_ms_zero_formula_170 lda y_domain sta yp lda x_calc+1 sta xp lda x_calc+2 sta xp+1 ;prepares values for point plotting jsr plot ;plots the point lda y_increment_sign beq increment_mc_170 sec lda mc+2 sbc m+2 sta mc+2 lda mc+1 sbc m+1 sta mc+1 lda mc sbc m sta mc ;MC = MC - M dec y_domain jmp skip_increment_mc_170 increment_mc_170 clc lda mc+2 adc m+2 sta mc+2 lda mc+1 adc m+1 sta mc+1 lda mc adc m sta mc ;MC = MC + M inc y_domain skip_increment_mc_170 lda y_domain cmp y_limit bne draw_loop_jump_170 rts draw_loop_jump_170 jmp draw_loop_170 ;subroutine: multiply by 256 (to_mult) ;to_mult is 24 bit (three bytes) off_multiply lda to_mult+1 sta to_mult lda to_mult+2 sta to_mult+1 lda #$00 sta to_mult+2 rts ; 31 bit by 15 bit divide (2 bilions etc... maximum value for a, 32767 for b) ; marcello of retro64 blog divide_ab lda #$00 sta rs sta rs+1 ;rs = 0 sta rs+2 sta rs+3 sta k sta k+1 ;k = 0 sta k+2 sta k+3 ;lda a ;sta oa ;lda a+1 ;sta oa+1 ;oa = a ;lda a+2 ;sta oa+2 ;lda a+3 ;sta oa+3 lda a bmi skip_ab_check_close lda b bmi skip_ab_check_close ;exits if b >32767 or a > 4 bilions etc... jmp label_40 skip_ab_check_close rts label_40 sec lda a+3 sbc k+3 sta a+3 lda a+2 sbc k+2 sta a+2 lda a+1 sbc k+1 sta a+1 lda a sbc k sta a ;a = a-k lda a cmp #$00 bcc label_50 bne label_48 lda a+1 cmp #$00 bcc label_50 bne label_48 lda a+2 cmp b bcc label_50 bne label_48 lda a+3 cmp b+1 bcc label_50 ;if a < b then goto 50 label_48 jsr routine_1000 clc lda rs+3 adc q+3 sta rs+3 lda rs+2 adc q+2 sta rs+2 lda rs+1 adc q+1 sta rs+1 lda rs adc q sta rs ;rs=rs+q jmp label_40 label_50 lda a cmp #$00 bne skip_ab_check lda a+1 cmp #$00 bne skip_ab_check lda a+2 cmp b bne skip_ab_check lda a+3 cmp b+1 beq inc_rs_low ;if a = b then rs = 1 skip_ab_check rts inc_rs_low inc rs+3 rts routine_1000 lda #$00 sta k lda #$00 sta k+1 lda b sta k+2 lda b+1 sta k+3 ;k = b lda b bne skip_b_0_check lda b+1 beq end ;return to caller of main program if b = 0 skip_b_0_check lda #$00 sta ct ;ct = 0 label_1010 asl k+3 rol k+2 rol k+1 rol k ;k = k * 2 lda k+3 bne skip_check_k lda k+2 bne skip_check_k lda k+1 bne skip_check_k lda k beq end ;if k = 0 (low and hi byte) then return to caller of main program ;overflow condition skip_check_k lda k cmp a bcc inc_ct bne label_1020 lda k+1 cmp a+1 bcc inc_ct bne label_1020 lda k+2 cmp a+2 bcc inc_ct bne label_1020 lda k+3 cmp a+3 bcc inc_ct label_1020 lsr k ror k+1 ror k+2 ror k+3 ;a = a/2 ldx ct lda power,x sta q inx lda power,x sta q+1 inx lda power,x sta q+2 inx lda power,x sta q+3 ; q = 2 ^ ct rts end pla pla rts inc_ct inc ct inc ct inc ct inc ct ;four times because power table is 32 bit jmp label_1010 ;subroutine: plot a point (codebase64.org) plot ;bmpscreen = start of bitmap screen ;byteaddr = address of the byte where the point to plot lies ldy yp ldx xp+1 lda #>xtablehigh sta XTBmdf+2 lda xp beq skipadj lda #>(xtablehigh + $ff) ;added brackets, otherwise it won't work sta XTBmdf+2 skipadj: lda ytablelow,y clc adc xtablelow,x sta byteaddr lda ytablehigh,y XTBmdf: adc xtablehigh,x sta byteaddr+1 lda byteaddr clc adc #bmpscreen sta byteaddr+1 ldy #$00 lda (byteaddr),y ora bitable,x sta (byteaddr),y rts ; clear bitmap screen clear_screen ldy #32 loopbmp ldx #$00 lda #$00 mod1 sta bmpscreen,x inx cpx #250 bne mod1 clc lda mod1+1 adc #250 sta mod1+1 lda mod1+2 adc #00 sta mod1+2 dey bne loopbmp lda #bmpscreen sta mod1+2 rts ; 17 * 9 bit multiply - 32 bit result ; multiplicand is 17 bit! multiplier is 9 bit ; multiplicand can be up to 24 bit, but with any multiplicand bigger than 16 bit, ; overflow can happen. This routine is designed to multiply an 8 or 9 bit number ; by a 17 bit number... on that case overflow should not happen. multiply_ab lda #$00 sta sum sta sum+1 ldx #9 ;number of bits, skips eight null shifts as multiplier is 9 bit lda multiplier beq clear_carry sec jmp skip_clear_carry clear_carry clc skip_clear_carry lda multiplier+1 sta multiplier jmp entry loop asl sum+1 rol sum rol multiplier+1 rol multiplier entry bcc skip_add clc lda sum+1 adc multiplicand+2 sta sum+1 lda sum adc multiplicand+1 sta sum lda multiplier+1 adc multiplicand sta multiplier+1 skip_add dex bne loop rts ;subroutine: divide result of multiply_ab (32 bit) by 256 ;divide_result_of_32bit_multiply_by_256 ;multiplier, multiplier+1, sum, sum+1 (32 bits, 4 bytes) divide_off lda sum sta sum+1 lda multiplier+1 sta sum lda multiplier sta multiplier+1 lda #$00 sta multiplier rts ;storage locations for main program x1 byte 0,0 y1 byte 0 x2 byte 0,0 y2 byte 0 delta_x byte 0,0 delta_y byte 0 to_mult byte 0,0,0 x_n byte 0 y_n byte 0 m byte 0,0,0 x_increment_sign byte 0 tt byte 0,0,0 mx byte 0,0,0 x_domain byte 0,0 y_calc byte 0,0,0 m_s byte 0 y_increment_sign byte 0 y_domain byte 0 x_calc byte 0,0,0 my byte 0,0,0 x_limit byte 0,0 y_limit byte 0 mc byte 0,0,0 tn byte 0,0,0 xw byte 0,0 ;storage locations for plot routine xp byte 0,0 yp byte 0 bit_table byte 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 temp byte 0 temp2 byte 0,0 byteaddr_y byte 0,0 yp_old byte 0 xp_old byte 0,0 ;storage locations and table for divide routine power byte 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,64,0,0,0,128 byte 0,0,1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,64,0,0,0,128,0 byte 0,1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,64,0,0,0,128,0,0 byte 1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,32,0,0,0,64,0,0,0,128,0,0,0 ct byte 0 q byte 0,0,0,0 k byte 0,0,0,0 oa byte 0,0,0,0 a byte 0,0,0,0 b byte 0,0 rs byte 0,0,0,0 ;storage locations for 17 * 16 bit multiply multiplicand byte 0,0,0 multiplier byte 0,0 sum byte 0,0 ; 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